TripleN can become your full-service training department, delivering solutions to all your on-site training needs. Keeping in mind the importance of transforming qualifications qualitative, and to assist individuals, to instil a professional edge in their personal & professional growth through creative techniques of skill development. TripleN offer the right consulting to all career aspirants to move ahead and grow beyond possibilities. We empower every institution to become the talent pool of Indian industry scenario.
KNOW MORETriple N training offers a lot of psychology — firstly your team feels invested in, secondly we handle the job (with you) of getting them open minded and ready by tasking and liaising before a workshop. Thirdly, we understand human behaviour, how to motivate people. We know if they are relaxed and having fun they embrace and pick up lessons quicker. We teach about ‘our internal state’ that is — how do we react when the business has challenges — how to bein charge of how wereact.
The essential training though, for behavioural change, comes from the Inner Game. ‘Mindset’ and ‘Skills’ have equal importance. The right mindset is, quite frankly, a game changer.
Yes, Coronavirus has literally brought our world to a standstill.…